Wastelands 2023 is a collaborative collection of post-apocalyptic art, showcasing the strength and resilience of nature and humanity in facing the consequences of nuclear apocalypse and climatic change.
The 16 artists featured in this artbook have depicted the desolate landscapes, creatures and robots of a future world ravaged by doomsday plagues, such as suffocating heat, nuclear disaster, unbreathable air, and toxic wastes, while also celebrating the regenerative power of nature itself.
Printed and published using sustainable materials, Wastelands 2023 is an ode to humanity’s spirit of adaptation and the enduring power of nature, but also a call to take care of our planet and preserve its ecosystem for future generations.
The artists involved in this zine are:
CarlenneART - Ciszej - ColdKodasea - Gabrielle Ragusi - Galoo - Han - Lethal Cola - MadCursed - Maf - Miq - Muppet - Ornella Greco - Paexie - Radacs - Sevvanto - WendiBones
ISBN: 9791280889072 (English version)
Authors: CarlenneART - Ciszej - ColdKodasea - Gabrielle Ragusi - Galoo - Han - Lethal Cola - MadCursed - Maf - Miq - Muppet - Ornella Greco - Paexie - Radacs - Sevvanto - WendiBones
Language: English
Colors or b/w: In colors
Size: 20.9x29.5 cm, hardcover
Publication date: Nov 2023
Genre: Art book
Pages: 96
Rating: 16+
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SKU: wastelands2023-book
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